Dietrich, Stefan J.: Christentum und Revolution. Die christlichen Kirchen in Württemberg 1848–1852, Paderborn [u. a.] 1996

How did Catholics and Protestants in Württemberg perceive, interpret, and classify the Revolution of 1848/49? To what extent were the hopes of Enlightenment-inspired reformers disappointed? How did the process of distancing oneself from the revolutionary ocurrences transpire? How did ultramontanes and pietists eventually succeed in forcing through a »return to tradition?« Why did the experiences of revolution set off a new dynamic of confessional demarcation and social mobility?
Stefan J. Dietrich constructs his differentiated comparative study on an uncommonly broad source base and arrives at persuasive answers to these questions. His use of contemporary publications proves especially valuable and insightful. This book, an empirically thorough »party history from below,« fills a historiographical gap for the Revolution of 1848/49 and the subsequent period of reaction.
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