Künster, Maximilian: Das Mainzer Priesterseminar 1933–1945. Priesterausbildung, Kriegserfahrung und Kriegsdeutung, Paderborn 2025
(Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Zeitgeschichte, Reihe B: Forschungen, Bd. 147)

Maximilian Künster: Das Mainzer Priesterseminar 1933–1945. Priesterausbildung, Kriegserfahrung und Kriegsdeutung, Paderborn 2025.
The study provides information about the specific experience and interpretation of war by a group of professional Catholics. Their perception of World War II was influenced by the theology and spirituality taught at the Mainz seminary. The study examines the question of which of these influences have proven to be effective in terms of interpreting war and coping with war experiences.
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