Halder, Winfrid: Katholische Vereine in Baden und Württemberg 1848–1914. Ein Beitrag zu Organisationsgeschichte des südwestdeutschen Katholizismus im Rahmen der Entstehung der modernen Industriegesellschaft, Paderborn [u. a.] 1995
Alongside a parliamentary lobby that represented the interests of the Catholic population, a manifold Catholic associational life developed in 19th-century Germany, especially after the Revolution of 1848/49, reaching its high point on the eve of the First World War.
Within a comparative framework that concentrates on Southwestern Germany, Winfrid Halder examines the significance of various factors that influenced the development of that associational life.
Halder shows that burgeoning Catholic associational life, at least in Baden, was less the product of political turbulence within the Church than the erosion of the »people’s church« (Volkskirche), which by the late 19th century was impossible to overlook.
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