Series B: Research

Mazura, Uwe: Zentrumspartei und Judenfrage 1870/71–1933. Verfassungsstaat und Minderheitenschutz, Mainz 1994

(Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Zeitgeschichte, Reihe B: Forschungen, Bd. 62)
Uwe Mazura: Zentrumspartei und Judenfrage 1870/71–1933. Verfassungsstaat und Minderheitenschutz.
Uwe Mazura: Zentrumspartei und Judenfrage 1870/71–1933. Verfassungsstaat und Minderheitenschutz.

There is no historiographical consensus over the position that German political Catholicism – the German Center Party and the Bavarian People’s Party – took on the »Jewish question« and on anti-Semitism between 1870/71 and 1933. Drawing on a broad source base, Uwe Mazura’s study reconstructs the positions and policies of these political parties and their leaders. Mazura traces the normative principles on which they oriented, as well as political and parliamentary day-to-day operations. He thereby demonstrates that unqualified loyalty to the state, the principle of equality between all citizens, and the Christian tenet of love for one's neighbor in its political manifestation characterized the policies of political Catholicism, not only but also in respect to the »Jewish question.«

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