Stollhof, Johannes: Zwischen Biafra und Bonn. Hungerkatastrophen und Konsumkritik im deutschen Katholizismus 1958–1979, Paderborn 2019

Catastrophic famines in the so-called ›Third World‹ shaped the outlook of an entire generation in the ›Bonn Republic‹: the image of the ›Biafra child‹ stirred powerful emotions and inspired comprehensive relief efforts. But ›Biafra‹ also became a code word for the new challenge of achieving global justice.
This volume is the first to examine the effects of the worldwide famine scenario on Catholicism in Germany. Inspired by new social movements, political activism on behalf of the ›Third World‹ came to replace the more traditional conception of charity relief efforts among some groups of committed Catholics, and set off fierce debates in the struggle over just utopias. Yet their committed efforts also generated wider sympathies for the Church and its institutions, giving them influence in the developmental policy realm that lasts to this day.
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